Saturday, March 11, 2017

Why Successful Women Gravitate Toward Younger Men

The emotionally rewarding experience of dating a younger man

You’re a driven, successful, single woman. Of course, you can have a relationship with a person of any age, but maybe you don’t know what you’re looking for, or you notice the dates that feel most comfortable or promising are with guys that are younger than you. Or you’re a young man who feels drawn to older women. In both cases, this may be due to the allure of the possibilities that come with mixing ages, interests and backgrounds.

Many women who have reached an above-average level of success in their careers grew up in a time when there weren’t that many women in positions of great leadership or authority. Until the last decade, there have been far less female CEOs or women in high-level managerial positions. What is also powerfully influential are the ever increasing and empowering lead roles created for women in movies, on TV, and through infinite social media forums. Through the years many have watched, or already understood their mothers and sisters to have a powerful say in how they regard women.

Though a gender gap most certainly remains, there are many, many more women in positions of leadership, who do not back down from challenges, who compete in many of the same fields as men, and who work side by side with men. Today's younger men have had the opportunity to grow up seeing these powerful women – it’s been a more regular part of their experience in everyday life. Because many women work full-time and raise families it enables men who have grown up with this norm to feel less threatened by female success.

For many men, a woman in a position of power is a normal, familiar circumstance can help younger men be eager, open, willing and appreciative of the wisdom, the guidance and decisive nature that mature, successful women can offer. When you’re a successful woman who gravitates toward younger men, it may be because you find in them, a non-defensive willingness to absorb what you can provide.

How to be the approachable older woman
You may struggle with balancing your work identity and your single woman savvy self. Being a successful woman in the workforce means that when you’ve got your career hat on, you assume the role of authority – you’re the go-to person and you may be used to calling the shots. To have achieved the success you have means you’ve spent a lot of time in this role and it can become intrinsic, and a natural part of who you are. For someone who may have had less exposure to women in positions of authority, dating you in your “career hat” can be intense. With less gender-specific stereotypes, a younger man might appreciate a woman with a little more life experience by the mere fact that you have been alive longer.

Use this to your advantage.  You want to be appreciated, adored, cherished, and not experienced as threatening or placed in the role of being a parent in a romantic relationship. First off, get the age question out of the way up front and don’t let it rule as the elephant in the room.  This will enable you to feel confident and stop questioning “Am I too old for him?  Do I look too old?  Am I a ‘cougar'?” Don’t add doubt where doubt does not exist by continually asking him for validation in this area.  Find comfort and confidence in the fact that he is interested in you, or you would not be having this conversation in your head!
Once you have established common ground – you both have mutual interest – soften your approach with him sometimes.  Let him take the lead in planning dates sometimes.  Encourage him to share his dreams and passions with you, even if he is still developing his career.  He needs to feel that, despite an age difference, you don’t take him any less seriously and you welcome the energy and vitality he brings to your relationship.  When it comes to intimacy, take a moment to assess your chemistry and see how you both interact alone.  If he likes to dominate here, let him show you how he can cherish and please you.  But mix it up – you don’t always have to be in control in this arena, and he may relish the chance to show off his skills in satisfying you, but sometimes you can take the lead and blow his mind.  In time, one would hope things progress to a point where you forget you have any years on him at all, and he is merely your boyfriend, lover and partner.

How to be taken seriously as the confident younger man
If you are the younger man choosing to date an older woman, you may be interested in her because you are not threatened by a savvy woman with stories and life experience, and you already regard women as powerful (not necessarily stronger than you, but not necessarily less than you either).  There is openness and excitement with what an older woman can bring to your relationship – romantically, sexually, emotionally. The whole package comes with seasoning and maturity and those are qualities in women that you are drawn to. Younger men can find these qualities provocative and exciting – not threatening, but challenging.

To show your best qualities as a man, and to be taken seriously in the dating pool, compliment your female partner when she discusses her success in her career.  When she shares her stories of how she grew into the amazing creature she is, don’t be shy in holding back your admiration.  This helps to break down the barriers that may exist if you are both at different points in your careers and life.  You would not be spending time pursuing older women if you felt threatened or were experiencing reverse age-stereotyping.  Remember that no matter their success in the outside world, most every woman, and person, wishes to feel adored and appreciated.  Demonstrate your interest by planning creative dates and offering compelling and interesting conversation.  You are an equal in her mind, so remember this and exude confidence with her.

If you are tired of dating in your own age pool because maybe those women are immature, or not ready to commit to something more than casual come and go relationships, honor the woman you are with by verbalizing what she means to you and letting her know without question what you bring to the table.  Eventually, you both can come up with joint interests and goals as a partnership, and the age question will melt away into a distant memory.  You will just be a twosome and hopefully, your differences in age will not affect any aspect of your experience.

In general, we’re all figuring this out as we go and this, like everything, is written from that perspective. But if you’re a successful woman saying to yourself, “Why do I want someone younger? What’s wrong with me?” – or if you’re a younger man wondering why you gravitate toward older women, know there are reasons this arrangement makes sense uniquely and specifically. When an older woman dates a younger man, it may be easier for both to find the emotionally rewarding experience they are looking for.

Five Forgiveness Exercises for Couples

Life is hard enough without the added layer of conflict with those who are supposed to be good to us, which can lead to resentment which can lead to misery.  One’s own inner conflict can spread to others and when a person is in a close relationship, it is all too easy for that inner conflict to become the other’s conflict as well.                                                    
International Forgiveness Institute, Inc.

Current statistics tell us that such conflict is all too common today.  According to the American Psychological Association, about 50% of those who marry end up divorced and second marriages break up at an even higher rate
 How can one start now to reduce the inner conflict that can lead to couples’ conflict?  I would like to suggest the following five forgiveness exercises, which can be started today, as a way of addressing both inner conflict, resentment, and misery and relational misery.
The first ground-rule for these exercises is this: You are not doing this to change your partner.  Your task is to change yourself and to do your part to improve the relationship.  The second ground-rule is this:  Your task is not to pressure your partner into these exercises.  It is better if both of you are drawn to them, not cajoled into them.
With these ground-rules in place, let us go to the first exercise.  Together, talk out what it means to forgive another person.  You might be surprised to learn that you are not in agreement as to what forgiveness actually is because such a discussion of its meaning is rare. 

Common misconceptions are these: To forgive is just to move on from difficult situations; to forgive is to forget what happened; to forgive is to excuse what happened; to forgive is to stop asking something of the other by no longer seeking fairness.  Yet, to forgive is none of these.  To forgive is to offer goodness to those who have not been good to you.  To forgive is to be strong enough to offer such goodness through your emotional pain for the other’s good.  Take some time to discuss each other’s views and please do so with respect.  Learning what forgiveness actually is takes time and effort primarily because we have not been schooled enough in this important concept.
The next exercise is to talk out the hurts that you received in your family of origin, where you grew up. Let the other know of your emotional wounds. This exercise is not meant to cast blame on anyone in your family of origin. Instead, the exercise is meant for each of you to deepen your insight into who your partner is. Knowing the other’s wounds is one more dimension of knowing your partner as a person.  As you each identify the wounds from your past, try to see what you, personally, are bringing from that past into the relationship.

Try to see what your partner is bringing from the past to your relationship.  Who, now, is your partner as you see those wounds, perhaps for the first time?
For the third exercise, together, and only if you choose this, work on forgiving those from your family of origin who have wounded you. Support one another in the striving to grow in the process of forgiveness.

The goal is to wipe the resentment-slate clean so that you are not bringing those particular wounds to the breakfast table (and lunch table and dinner table) every day. 
Walking this path of forgiveness takes time and should not be rushed.  Assist one another in this path.  Be the support person for the other.  Each one’s personal forgiveness journey is made easier when it is a team effort.
Source: International Forgiveness Institute, Inc.

Monday, March 6, 2017

78-Year-Old Admits To Sending Her Life Savings To Online Boyfriend Whom She’s Never Met In Person

Seventy-eight-year-old Irina says that three years ago, she met “David Olax Adams” when he “friended” her online. She says the man, 20 years her junior, “stole her heart” by sending her flowers, love letters and poems. “I am in love with him. I do want to spend the rest of my life with him,” Irina says. But, she has never met “David” in person. The two have communicated on social media and with text messages and emails, and they have spoken on the phone. “I was lonely when I met “David.” My kids work and I was separated from my husband. He showed me a picture on Facebook and he was oh, so handsome,” Irina says. “At first, I questioned how a younger man could love an older woman like me, but he tells me all the time that he does.” Why Children Say They Are Convinced Mom’s Online Boyfriend Is A Fraud However, Irina’s son, Eric, and daughter, Monique, say they “know” “David Adams” is 100% fake. They claim that “David” is a complete fraud who has swindled their mother out of her entire life savings, which has left her facing bankruptcy. Irina says she is confident that “David” is who he says he is and she wants to prove her family wrong. She says that he told her he was born in the Caribbean and is now an American citizen but is stuck in Nigeria. She says she has given him money with the hopes that he can return to the U.S. Children Say They Fear 78-Year-Old Mom Is Involved In A Money Laundering Scam With Online Boyfriend “David went to Indonesia to buy materials to bring to America, and he even bought a boat over there. He ran out of money, and I lent him $1,000. But he keeps asking for money,” Irina says. She says “David” was en route to America when he was arrested for having medicine in his luggage and was put in a camp until he paid $1,000, which she also sent him. She says he was then sent to an Ebola screening hospital in Dallas, Texas. Irina says she tried to visit him there but she was never able to see him. “I have sent David over $76,000. I’m out of money, all my life savings,” says Irina. “Now, he’s stranded in Nigeria for the longest time. He’s staying in a church because he has no money for a hotel and/or food. Now, David asked me for $500. I don’t have the money so I’m trying to sell my collectible items.” Irina turns to Dr. Phil for help to bring “David” home to the U.S. “I do love “David” and I would like to spend the rest of my life with him, and I will go to my grave loving him,” she says. Does this “David Adams” exist? What will Dr. Phil’s international investigation reveal? Watch more here.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Want To Know What REALLY Triggers Women To Have Earth-Shattering, Mind-Blowing Orgasms? Don't Take My Word For It ... It's All Captured Here LIVE!

"Listen In As One Of The World's Foremost Sex and
Intimacy Experts Lets You Into His Own Bedroom
And Allows You To Hear -- LIVE, RAW,
UNCUT AND UNCENSORED -- As He Creates Orgasm
After Orgasm With His Lover...

Friday, December 25, 2009

10 Tips for Approaching Single Women


Most guys get caught up in guessing what to say; here's what they really should do,

What do you do when you see a woman you are attracted to? Do you run and hide? Do you use some canned line that you read on the Internet? Do you stand there in fear trying to think of the right thing to say? What is the right thing to do?

When approaching a woman, most guys make the mistake of thinking too much about what to say. They believe there's one magic line that will work in all situations. They rehearse this magic line, and when they deliver it, they hope the woman will become instantly attracted to them.
Unfortunately, rarely does this approach work -- because most of what you say is irrelevant. To catch a woman's attention, it is all about the confidence you display when approaching her.
Here are 10 surefire ways to intrigue her every time:

1. Observe something. Make a comment about something you observe in the environment. This is especially effective at the grocery store. For example, if she is ordering a turkey sandwich, ask her if the turkey is good here.

Make your comment immediate to the situation and it will seem perfectly natural. No matter where you are, there is always something interesting to comment on.

2. Smile. This shows her that you are friendly and confident. A genuine smile not only feels good to you, but will put her at ease while creating openness in the interaction -- a requirement for building rapport.

3. Do not hesitate. If you hesitate in your approach, this tells her that you are not feeling confident -- an immediate turn-off. When you see her, walk over to her within a short period of time (the three-second rule). Show her you are a man who knows what he wants and goes after it.

4. Positive body language. If you approach hunched over with your head down, you are sending negative information about yourself, which makes you dead in the water before you begin. Stand up straight, with shoulders back and chest out, and use a firm yet relaxed walk.

5. Not too fast. If you walk over too fast, you could likely trigger her internal alarm. A calm, casual approach is usually the best way to make her feel at ease with you.

6. Keep eye contact. Never be the first to break eye contact when you approach. If you do, this sends the message that you are not feeling good about approaching. When you use strong eye contact, she will feel more drawn to you. With practice, you can master this.

7. Listen up. Make sure you pay careful attention to what she says. Do not have your response pre-thought out. Women love a man who pays attention to the details of what she says. If you start throwing out random words, she will lose interest fast.

8. Do not fidget. Fidgeting after you approach is distracting and shows you are uncomfortable. If you communicate that you are uncomfortable, she will feel uncomfortable, too, and will close up. Practice being aware of your movements. Pay attention to those movements, or lack of movements, that communicate comfort and confidence.

9. Lighten your tone of voice. The tone of your voice is a very powerful tool. Approaching her in a light and playful tone is one of the best ways to start. You could also begin in a serious tone, accusing her of something like "I hope you saved some turkey for me," followed by a quick smile to let her know you are joking. Practice playing with your vocal tone with your friends -- notice the different reactions you get when you say the exact same thing using varied tones and fluctuations.

10. Lean away from her. A man who leans in too far when he talks often makes a woman feel crowded. A better approach is to lean away from her slightly. This lets her know that you respect her space, boundaries, and are comfortable with yourself.

The key to making these tips work for you is putting them into practice! Practice these tips and see the reaction you get. When you put them all together, you will be surprised at their power.